Sunday, November 2, 2008

What's the deal with that, anyway?

So the strangest thing happened this week. Twice. Early in the week, someone pulled over when they saw me out doing yard work, dug around in their car and pulled out two styrofoam cups, each with a big, (dead) spider in it. They had a friend who had found them and wanted to know what they were so they brought them to me. Hmm. I'm not spiderwoman. I'm not even the Spider Whisperer. I told her they looked like some kind of Wolf spider, but that I would see what I could find out. Later I set up my camera scope and computer, took some pictures of them and emailed the shots to a genuine spider whisperer that I know. (and I was right, they were wolf spiders, just really huge ones that were probably 3 1/2 to 4 inches across when they were alive instead of all curled up and shriveled in a cup).

Then Sunday night I got a phone call from someone in our stake. Their kids were freaking out about an insect they had found in the house. I had the dad describe it and then gave him a couple of names to image google. And yes, I was right about that one, too. It was a Jerusalem Cricket.

I don't know what's going on, but if it's a trend, we've got a problem.


More Bacon said...

Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew...

somebody's mother said...

Lucky for you, you'll probably never see either one of these critters. I haven't ever seen one around the house.

LL said...

Nasty. Nasty...

I've decided I can't sew in our basement (which was my big plan for Christmas jammies) because of all the bugs. Ew.

And every time Javi sees D try to get a bug he stops him and announces, "That bug has an important job!" Wonder where he learned that one...

somebody's mother said...

Well, the thing about bugs in the house is finding out where they get in. Check all the windows; do they close tightly, does the frame fit into the wall tightly? If not, caulk and weatherstrip. Check the walls where your gas and electric come into the house. Is there a gap around the pipes? If so, close it with expanding caulk. Do your door sweeps meet your thresholds? If not, replace them. Do your doors close tightly? If not, weatherstrip them. Is there screening across the vents in your attic? Do you have boxes or clutter near your basement windows? If so, clear away and re-stack things on the other side of the room. Keep the area around your sewing clear. Do not leave leaf litter around your foundation or in your window wells (yes, I know your window wells are shallow, but keep them clean. You can make it a nice space.

And about D, yes all bugs have important jobs, but most of their jobs are outdoor jobs. If they've gotten distracted or lost and come indoors, it is OK to help them get back on task.

Shannon said...

Yuck. I am sure hoping that I never see one of those guys. I do not like spiders and the bigger they are the worse it is. ugh

somebody's mother said...

Yes. I was glad they were dead because first, they wouldn't have fit in those cups if they weren't all dead and curled up and second, I would have had to kill them if they weren't.

It's not that I kill all spiders, but it's pretty hard to examine all their little parts if they are moving. Plus, I'll look, but I won't touch. So they pretty much have to be dead so I can take tweezers and turn them over.