Thursday, November 13, 2008

Calibrate This!

Most of Somebody's Children will remember Somebody's Parent telling them that it was important to learn to apply mathematics to their everyday lives. After all, "Nobody at work has ever asked me to work a page of math problems."

Well, yesterday somebody gave me a page of math problems to work. (News flash- just in case you forgot- I am not in school any more!) I just had to smile and think of a certain Parental Unit and think about how WRONG he was. To his credit though, it was "word problems" which is sort of everyday life. Here are some sample problems:

1. Calculate the approximate speed of a self-propelled sprayer that has an average completion time of 31.5 seconds over a course of 140 feet.

2. Calculate the nozzle delivery rate, in gallons per minute, for a sprayer that will travel at 1.5 mph, apply 2 gallons per 1000 square feet with a nozzle spacing of 20 inches.

3. A spray nozzle originally delivers 2.75 gallons per minute when operated at 25 pound per square inch. Calculate the psi required to deliver 2.5 gallons per minute.

Fortunately, I never have to actually use this information. I just have to know it. And by the way, I got the questions right! Not bad for a math-phobic little grandma.


LL said...

Go Mom Go!!

JC will be in charge of the math around here when the kids get bigger. I have to pack a calculator at the grocery store because my brains just can't handle it.

Shannon said...

Very good if you ask me!

somebody's parents said...

I stand corrected, or is it re-calibrated?

More Bacon said...

To be fair though, that doesn't sound like a real life situation in which you encountered those. I mean, who sits around talking about pesticides?

Besides those hundreds of people in the room with you, naturally...

somebody's mother said...

It was more like 100 men and 5 women (including me) sitting around listening about pesticides.