Friday, October 31, 2008

Husband Tag

This is husband tag and I have been tagged! Here is how it goes:

Rules: Each person has to answer questions about their sweetheart. At the end of your post tag 4 people, post their names and then go to their blogs and leave them a comment about the tag.

(Because my blog is open, I will have to be creative. Also, the only people I know well enough to tag have already been tagged.)

* What is your husbands name? Kimo
* How long have you been married? – 33 years, 10 months
* How long did you date? 16 months
* How old is he? 56 years and some change.
* Who eats sweets? It’s a joint project.
* Who said I Love You first? He did.
* Who is taller? I am shorter by a few inches
* Who can sing best? Me, but he can carry a tune just fine.
* Who is smarter? I think he’s edged me out on that one.
* Who does the laundry? I get it washed and dried; he folds his own clothes and all the towels.
* Who pays the bills? He has taken care of the bills for the past ten to fifteen years or so.
* Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does. We have changed sides a few times over the years. When he started getting lots of middle of the night phone calls from work many years ago, I started sleeping on the phone side of the bed so that the guys at work had to talk to me first. Pretty soon, they stopped calling so often. For lots of years, I slept on the side of the bed closest to the bedroom door for the convenience of the children who didn’t sleep through the night. (Or was it really to intercept them before they reached Kimo?)
* Who mows the lawn? Our lawn boy comes once a week whether we are here or not. (such a wonderful luxury) I do the majority of the rest of the yard work, such as weeding, but Kimo will dig big holes, haul and shovel and spread mulch and compost, etc.
* Who cooks dinner? Me. He could warm up his own left-overs if he needed to. But would more likely get take-out
* Who drives? He does. I only drive us if he is sick. I’m a perfectly good driver, though. He can’t help it, he just can’t relax if he isn’t the driver.
* Who is first to admit they are wrong? It depends. I suppose it’s 60% him and 40% me.
* Who kissed who first? It was mutual.
* Who asked who out first? He asked me. I wasn't really interested but my roommate nudged things along.
* Who wears the pants? We both wear pants. (Once in a while I put on a dress.)

I'll tag someone as soon as I think of them.


Shannon said...

I love reading these. It is fun to see new things about people you know.

More Bacon said...

I didn't realize that the first kiss was a mutual thing...sounds like I need a story on that one!

LL said...

Yeah, I think we need more info on that first kiss. :-)

Fun fun fun!