Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Open letter to a cat

Dear Kitty (you know who you are),

I know you frequently spend the night in the garage where you can do as you please, but sometimes circumstances make it necessary for you to spend the night indoors. Based on last night's behavior, it might be helpful to review basic nighttime etiquette for indoor cats.

1- If you sleep on your person's bed, do not purr at night.
2- If you must purr, do not use your daytime voice.
3- If you must use your daytime voice, do not use it while sitting at the head of the bed between your persons.
4- Kneading the blankets or pillows is never an appropriate nighttime activity.
5- If you do knead the blankets, do not purr with your daytime voice at the same time. And never, never knead the blankets that are pulled up over your person.
6- Asking to go out at 4:30 in the morning and then changing your mind once you get to the open door is a serious breach of etiquette. Changing your mind again 15 minutes later and deciding you really do want to go outside after all may put your personal safety at risk.

I hope this little review will be helpful.


More Bacon said...

Very important reminders. Cats everywhere (yours in particular) should definitely brush up on their manners!!

LL said...

I like to think that eventually the kids will grow up and sleep through the night or at least move out and then I'll have some peace. Note to self: don't get a cat...

David said...

I have to agree with all of that and may I add that could my kittens stop playing the fall asleep on the dresser and jumping or maybe I should say a flying leap across the room to land on my big tummy. Maybe? Please?