Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Here I am again

In the past ten days I have gone to the gym four times to do physical therapy on my own. I would pat myself on the back, but I can't reach that far yet. Don't worry though, the physical therapist suggested some extra exercises for that today, so I expect to be patting myself on the back in the next week or so.

For the past two nights, 'Ui has gone into the garage of her own volition. Once it was completely her idea- she asked-really! Last night she was hanging out in the kitchen so I opened the door to the garage just a little and left it opened for a few minutes. After crouching and staring suspiciously into the dark garage, she walked into the garage just a foot or two to see what was going on and I walked towards the door, trying to look like I was doing something else, and closed it. Much better than three nights ago when she had wised up to the new night time routine, darting around the kitchen just out of reach and then streaking down the stairs to hide out in Steven's room (where she spent the entire night, thank goodness.)

The other day, I was driving home westbound on Center Street. When I came to 4th west the light was green so I started my right turn. A car in the eastbound left-turn lane decided to make a left turn at the same time, and the driver flipped me off for getting in her way! Hello! I was the one who had the right-of-way! Some people.

Little J has been here for two days in a row. He has gotten pretty interactive and fun. He loves the barrel of monkeys, or just the barrel or just the monkeys or any combination. I introduced him to the slinky today. Pretty entertaining.


More Bacon said...

That driving thing sort of happened to me when I was driving to the temple a few weeks ago. I was turning right, and someone else wanted to turn left and they honked and flipped. I was like, uh...

I'm watching little J on Jer's birthday. I haven't seen him for a while...I think since they went to Vegas. I'm pretty excited. I need to see him a time or two before then so that he can get used to me again. What a doll.

jenn said...

Seriously, someone tries to kill me while I'm driving pretty much every time I'm out. For a while, I thought it was me, but I've really been paying attention and it's definitely other people. We're just going to have to be more careful.

LL said...

I'd pat you on the back if I could reach you from here.

I always want to flip people off when they give me the bird, but I'm afraid someone I know will drive by and then I'd be like, um.... :-)