Saturday, June 23, 2007

Thoughts on the Summer Solstice

I was going to write a bit about the Summer Solstice on the 21 June. But, as usual for me, I am a bit late. But I believe my thoughts on this subject to be noteworthy so will add them anyway.

This year the Summer Solstice occurred on 21 June at 11:11 am Mountain Daylight Time. The Summer Solstice is my favorite day of the year, because it is the very longest amount of daylight of any day during the year. As I thought about it for a few minutes, I realized that it would be logical to assume that the Winter Solstice (21 Dec 2007 11:09 pm) would be my least favorite day of the year.  That determination out of the way I realized that the 21st of December is our wedding anniversary! How lucky am I? My wife saved me from my least favorite day of the year by marrying me on that day. So, I guess I have to pick the 20th or the 22nd for the least favorite day.

Seriously, it is very difficult for many people to cope with the short days of winter. I remember hating the winter, but not knowing why. Then we had an opportunity to learn how the seasons effect the mood of some people. It at least gave me understanding into the challenge. Since then, I am learning to deal with the short days. I often visit with people who share the same affliction. I believe that the understanding of the problem can be a great blessing in someone's life. Unfortunately, sometimes people understand the problem, but don't take action based on the knowledge they have aquired. I have decided to take action. I have found that walking makes a huge difference in my health. So, walking is my "medicine" for the winter days. A little exercise seems to keep the wolves of winter at bay. As with most things in our lives, understanding is the first step.

The long days seem to have the reverse effect on my moods. I love the summer, in fact, I wish it would last forever with winter never coming. I guess if we could have everything we wanted the law of unexpected consequences would take effect and we still wouldn't be happy. However, this summer I plan to enjoy every long day that I have.

1 comment:

jenn said...

Plus, you appreciate the longer days because the short ones aren't so great.