Friday, June 22, 2007

Road Trip - Day 2

Oregon is slow. After breezing through Idaho at a steady 75 mph we are now enjoying the agricultural scenery in Oregon at a modest 55-65 mph. I can say ‘now’ because I remembered that I had a never-before-used little piece of technology in my computer bag- a 12-volt adaptor. I had drained the battery on my laptop while working on a little document for the dept. of ag/extension office and put my laptop away until I could plug it in tonight. A couple of hours later, as I contemplated my contribution to tonight’s posting, I realized that I could actually work on it in the car, because I had the adaptor. How handy!

Talk about serendipity! We pulled in to the Chevron station in Pendleton and guess which little restaurant was attached to the mini-mart/gas station. No, not Wendy’s, not McD, not even Burger King, Taco Bell or Subway. It was a Baskin Robbins! Yes, my favorite guilty pleasure, right there at the gas station. I strolled over to the building fully intending to take a flying leap off the healthy-eating wagon with a double or triple dip hot fudge sundae for lunch but by the time I got to the counter, I had settled on just a little hop off the back of the wagon with a single dip of Nutty Coconut. I chose the Nutty Coconut, my second favorite flavor, because I realized that I could have my favorite, chocolate chip, in a pre-packed quart at home any time. Nutty Coconut doesn’t come in a pre-pack so I don’t usually buy it. (Pre-packs are more economical, you know.) Since I couldn’t be practical, I decided to be different. OK, so getting my second favorite flavor isn’t really being different but it wasn’t being the same either. Mmm, it was good. (Professional ice cream connoisseur in a closed vehicle- do not attempt this at home.) As a side note to my fellow dieters/healthy eaters-by the time I finished the cone, I realized that I would have forced my way through at least the last half of that sundae if I’d gotten it and not really enjoyed the forced feeding. But I would have been stuck with the extra calories anyway. Food for thought.


More Bacon said...

That is definitely the best gas station ever! I went out with Jazz on Friday night and we split a dessert that had a scoop of vanilla ice cream on it. Pretty stinkin awesome, if you ask me!!!

I'm proud of you for "branching out" with nutty coconut. Jon Skidmore always was telling me that it's okay to get a different kind of ice cream or food (I assume in a baby-steps toward normalcy sort of way) but I really just love my favorites.

Today, I am craving scooby doo mac and cheese. That's what I want. But it's not what I had...

somebody's parents said...

I'm proud of you.

As far as baby steps that involve different flavors of ice cream, why chose a different flavor just for the sake of being different? I say, if you have a few favorites, enjoy them! I don't usually try something different unless it is something new. Why get something different if you have already tried it and you know its not as good as one of your favorites.

More Bacon said...

That's true. I guess that his point was that I needed to try new things, branch out, and not be so "safe" all the time... But when it comes to food, I'm not trying new things right now if they're going to take away from precious allotments of the foods I love...