One good thing about being "empty nesters" is the freedom to go on a trip whenever you want (as long as it fits your work schedule.) Oh wait, what about the cat? Who will watch, feed, let her out, in, out and in all day, scoop the liter box...? Who will make sure the house doesn't flood, the birds don't starve and the landscape doesn't burn up for lack of water? So now when we want to go somewhere, it is get a house sitter instead of baby sitter, leave the itinerary with our adult children so they know where we are at all times and endure everyone (both our children and parents) reminding us to "be careful while you are driving". The more things change, the more they stay the same... (since the cat is self-tending for a long weekend and the sprinklers run themselves and the birds can hunt for insects we could actually go away for a few days without the sitter. We tried it once and it worked fine, but 'Ui was glad for both the company and the great outdoors once we got back.)
We are finally away after a full day at work. We traveled 250 miles today to Twin Falls. The goal was to "get outa Dodge" and chew a few hours off of the 12 hour trip to Portland. Everything was wonderful. The Rav4 is a great travel car, gets great mileage and is fun to drive. We would have added a picture, but it was dark when we got here. Tomorrow we will take a picture of the Snake River gorge and link it up. It is amazing. You are just driving along the flat, then suddenly there is this gorge where the river is in the bottom of a little canyon with vertical sides about 1/2 mile across.
The windshield was perfectly clean when we started. However now it looks like it has been through a terrible rain storm with very dirty, buggy rain drops. Driving into the sun it was just about opaque. Tomorrow we will wash it when we get gas.
You gotta love the 75 MPH speed limits. Once we were out of the city we set the cruse control and it was nothing but pure driving fun. Mom clipped from magazines. We gotta go on more trips. Her "to be clipped" pile is getting out of control. I am not sure what she does with the clippings, but she kept talking about grilled shrimp recipes, so it can't be all bad.