Sunday, January 17, 2010

Thursday, day four

Today was our big hike day. We met our guide at 6:45 in the morning, drove for an hour and a half up the Kohala coast to Hawi and then transferred to a 6-wheel-drive Pinzgauer to off-road through abandoned sugar cane fields, streambeds and gullies to get to our trailhead.

We hiked around past several pretty waterfalls. It was overcast and cool for most of the time but we never got rained on. Here are some pictures from our hike.

The Pinzgauer
One of the streams we crossed

We came to a very muddy stretch and had to get out of the Pinzgauer while our guide took it through a spot where he thought it might slide off the trail. Once he got it up the slope, we all climbed back in and we were on our way again.

A pretty overlook near the trailhead

This is what a lot of the trail was like

There is an old irrigation flume running through the mountains and hills in the part of the island where we were hiking. Some stretches were carved out of the cliff faces and other parts were tunneled through the mountain. We floated through a section of the flume a few years ago before part of it collapsed during an earthquake. The flume is slowly being repaired now and maybe some day we will be able to "flume da ditch" again.

A couple of times the trail passed sections of the flume

Here are a few of the waterfalls we hiked to

The view from our picnic spot at the end of our hike

It was a nice hike. We browsed through some shops and galleries in the little town of Hawi while our guide moved all our stuff from the Pinzgauer to the van. We got back to Kona in the late afternoon, got cleaned up and walked about a mile up the road to try a new restaurant. All in all, a day well spent.


More Bacon said...

Holy cow--how awesome and gorgeous!!! I'm so jealous! And overcast and cool??? My favorite hiking weather!! That sounds like the absolute perfect hike!

Did you like the new restaurant?

somebody's mother said...

Yes. You would have liked the hike.

We went to Fish Hoppers. My salad was pretty sad, the service was about average, but the entrees were very nice. We sat by the open-air windows and it turned out very noisy because they are right on Ali'i just across from the see wall at the north end.

I'd be willing to give them another try, but it wasn't really anything special.