Saturday, May 2, 2009

Road trip-day eleven

Today was yard sale day. In one of the nearby towns, a group had organized a multi-home yard sale. Lots of other people in town had also done yard sales. We drove to a few homes that were out of town and then went in to town and parked in front of one garage sale and then walk to eight others that were nearby.

Bean and Moo each had a dollar to use for a treat and they decided to shop instead. Bean got a Ty snake and Moo got a softball and a red basket. While the boys and Nana walked to the farthest yard sale, Mama went and got the car to park it nearby. Next to this yard sale was a great park with lots of fun play equipment. Nana and the boys walked over to the park while Mama made a surprise purchase for the boys. Then we went to a sandwich shop, played at the park again and drove back home.


Shannon said...

Look like lots of fun. Those are some cute grandboys you have:)

More Bacon said...

I love the pictures. Those boys are so cute! What was the surprise?

somebody's mother said...

The boys had found a couple of old Barbie cars at the last garage sale that were $2 each. One was a blue and white convertible and the other was a pink and white convertible. Pink is Moo's favorite color these days. After we walked away to go across the street to the big park LL bought them and tucked them into the trunk of the car before she came over to the park. The boys have gotten way more than $2 worth of fun out of them already.

LL said...

Not just convertibles. MUSTANGS! Barbie Mustangs. I can't tell you how many times I've had to fix Moo's by snapping the top back together. I guess his softball and ducks don't like to ride with the top down. Bean's snake, however, decided the weather was nice enough to remove the windshield.

And I love the picture of Moo's nose pressed into the bubble. What a silly boy!

More Bacon said...

Barbie Mustangs??? How fun!! What an awesome surprise.