Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shake it Up

This morning, I had crouched down doing something with my sock or shoe and as I stood up I felt very "off balance" or disoriented. I thought, "this must be what people mean when they say they were dizzy from standing up too fast." But it lasted awfully long and seemed just a little familiar. Sure enough, while I was in the breakfast room the TV had a breaking news report saying there had been an earthquake close enough to feel in Logan. This one didn't make any noise here, though.

Nothing dramatic, and not the most interesting thing of the day for me, but the only thing that anyone else would find even a little interesting.

1 comment:

More Bacon said...

Wow! I didn't feel anything here. I'm super jealous!

I'm also glad that you're not losing it or anything--totally an earthquake!