Monday, November 8, 2010

Strike one!

So yesterday I went to the nursery with M and spent the entire time there. At first, we just sat by ourselves on one side of the cultural hall and M eventually found a car to play with, but still off by himself. When they got out the play dough, I helped him make his way over to the activity table and he stayed pretty involved after that. By now you are probably wondering why his isn't on the Grand Nana blog. The reason is that it's really all about me!
You see, for the last 15 or 20 minutes of nursery, they were doing bubbles and I was helping. At one point, I decided to make a wide arc of bubbles for the kids to chase. So I swung the wand in a big, wide swoop just as one of the nursery leaders walked past me from behind.

I plastered her, hard, right in the face with my gloppy, goopy hand- clenched into a fist around the drippy bubble wand. Sure hope I don't see her sporting a shiner next week.

I can't remember what appalling thing I did in October, but I'm sure I must have done something. What with this, and the full-on mooning of that unsuspecting woman at the Grand Canyon in September, it's been a really stellar autumn for me. Look out New York, here I come!


More Bacon said...

Laughed out loud. I love it! That is so funny!

But wait--I NEVER heard about you mooning someone at the GC, and you and I talk a lot!


No one in New York will notice if you accidentally bump into them - I do it all the time. :)

somebody's parents said...

I doubt if anyone will notice a full moon in NYC either.

LL said...

Two questions:
1 - which nursery leader did you hit?
2 - you MOONED somebody????

LL said...

Ok, I'm sorry. You say you don't usually post because you have nothing interesting going on. But now you're in HAWAII and you're STILL not posting!!!!!!!
