Thursday, February 11, 2010

iPhone tip

In a pinch, when it's cold and you don't want to take your glove off, you can work your iphone with your nose. But it's a lot easier if you can use someone else's nose.


LL said...

I'd have thought they had an app for that...

Unknown said...

You could get conductive thread and sew it into the fingertips of your gloves. Then you wouldn't have to take your gloves off.

somebody's mother said...

Yes, but i would have to remember to wear the right gloves.

I've heard that thread is expensive. I AM going to have to do something like that, though. Lucky for me, at the greenhouse our gloves work the iPhone just fine. Hmm... I wonder if there is a way to take advantage of that. I'll have to engage the creative part of my thinker and see if I can come up with something.

David said...

Oh Mom. Just google iphone gloves. There are companies that make gloves so you can use them for your iphone. We got some for someone for christmas last year. Best gift ever.