Monday, March 23, 2009

Can you say 'Overdue?'

It's been a while since I've been to our local public library. But today I needed something they had and so I went. Since it had been so long, I didn't know where my library card was. Before I could get what I needed, I would have to get a new card.

The card process all went smoothly; my old card, where ever it is, was still active. All the information was still the same. There was just one little detail to take care of- the $11.50 overdue fine. It had been there, waiting to be paid, since May of 2005!

Could someone else be using my account? What were the books? How overdue were they?

Bonsai books? A stack of books about bonsai? I didn't check out any bonsai books! I've never turned in any books 28 days late. Who else could have used my....Hmm...

So, whoever you are, you bonsai-loving, overdue-book-returning rascal, your fine has finally been paid. And you are sooo lucky they didn't charge interest!


More Bacon said...

I love that they don't keep track of interest but still had your ine waiting four years later! You would think that they'd just try to collect on it, but I suppose they have some dollar amount below which they just wait for you to come back in because it isn't cost-effective to chase you around.

I am not the bonsai rascal. I definitely have checked things out of the library, but not bonsai books. I have a suspicion about who it is, but I'll wait for them to say something. :)

I do think, however, that it's funny that we haven't been to the library since 2005. I guess that when all your kids graduate from high school, you don't go as much.

LL said...

I don't think it was me. I sure hope not, anyway. If it was, I never even read the books. :-)

Nice that the fine is still waiting for you. I have a $5 fine in Ann Arbor. I renewed something online the day it was due, and the next day the fine showed up on my account. Never bothered to go get it fixed, have no intention of paying it. I guess we'll never be able to live there again...

I can't believe you haven't been to the library in so long! I go all the time, and did before we had kids. My current book (in addition to the kids books and JC's movie, Indiana Jones) is about balloon sculpting. I'm going to learn how to make balloon animals! I even bought a pump and balloons. So excited!

Steve said...

lolz it wasnt me, but I know who it was!